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Initializing the context since 0.14.0

:initialize-context is the first action performed when a request is being handled — its purpose is to allow additional values to be inserted into the context (in addition to the standard :representation, :request and :resource keys — see the execution model documentation) before the request is processed further. Note that this action should not, in general, modify the state of the server — it is intended solely to provide a convenient way to thread additional values through the execution flow.


The processing of PUT, DELETE, POST and PATCH methods typically results in a changed state on the server-side. After the state was changed either an updated representation of the changed entity is returned to the client, or one of the status codes that redirect the client to a different locations is returned.

Liberator provides so called action functions that you can declare with your resource definitions which are called at well suited points during request processing.

actions description
:initialize-context first function to be called. Can be used to initialize the context since 0.14.0
:post! called for POST requests
:put! called for PUT requests
:delete! called for DELETE requests
:patch! called for PATCH requests

When are actions called?

The action :initialize-context is the first callback called for a resource. It’s a convenient place to initialize the resource for every request and seed the context with data.

The action functions are called after content negotiation, existence checks and conditional request processing – just before deciding on actual the response type: including an entity, redirection etc.

You can spot the actions on the decision graph as the round nodes.